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  • Writer's pictureHannah Anderson

Innovation Impact Through CSLE

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

(Impact Innovation: Creating High-Impact Innovation, 2017)

It's great to consolidate and reflect upon overarching learning and big accomplishments! So that's exactly what I am going to do. Below, you'll find a section dedicated to the learning I have achieved over the last few months. May it serve as a reminder that I have done so much as a learner with a growth mindset, but I still have so far to go with infinite learning ahead.

  • CSLE response

This part of my learning involves the creation of HOW I can and will create significant learning environments for my educational spaces. It plots out a step-by-step plan that is both functional and executional. It connect directly to the way in which an educator inside or outside of the classroom can ensure learning success!

  • Learning Philosophy

This section explains how I function best as a learner and also as a teacher. It lays out the foundation for my learning philosophies and beliefs, along with the history and an explanation for each. It also explains how teaching and learning can be fundamentally the same, yet completely different at the core when exploring the many facets of each. The way in which I create significant learning environments will definitely impact my teaching and learning philosophy focus.

  • Learning Environment + 3 Column Table

This part of my learning includes an understanding of how assessments, activities, and outcomes should all be aligned within the planning phases of lessons. The importance of this stems from understanding how significant learning impacts what we, on a foundational level, want our students to learn. This realization and planning structure allows me to utilize my teaching philosophy and also connect to specific aspects of significant learning environments.

  • UbD Design Template

This understanding stems from another planning process which utilizes aspects of best practice in the field of education. It can be compared to the three column table from the previous link and compared to these ideas as well. This lesson structure allows the teacher to fully understand they WHY before truly planning any details within a lesson itself, which allows for direct focus to the outcomes needed. This also connects to learning philosophies (through planning details) and CSLEs (through the environment needed for the lesson).

  • Growth Mindset Plan

Finally, this piece of my learning expanded upon previous knowledge of what it means to have a Growth Mindset. The plan explains how to identify, acknowledge, take action, and empower all learners in any environment! It's an exciting reflection and expansion connected to the initial ideas within my innovation plan proposal.

So bottom line...

How does a focus on learning and creating significant learning environments impact or influence my innovation plan?

This can easily be answered by understanding HOW and WHY to plan student-centered classroom lessons. Having a basic understanding of CSLEs will impact my innovation proposal through the use of knowing WHAT environment will be best, HOW a collective can create better inquiry, and what CHALLENGES might be faced within the classroom.

Understanding the history of and my own teaching philosophy will impact my proposal through the benefit of utilizing my own strengths and teaching preferences within lessons themselves and understanding how this may impact learners who think and learn differently than I do.

Researching the benefits of and how to create a three-column table will impact my proposal due to the fact that I could utilize this planning structure within its further development. Simply knowing about the ideas surrounding this way of planning is useful for forward thinking.

The ideas surrounding Understanding by Design planning will impact my proposal since this is and has been my favorite method for lesson planning. I plan and think this way automatically now, as a teacher. This structure for lesson planning will help ensure success toward the achievement of student learning goals.

And finally, creating a new and improved Growth Mindset plan will make sure that I am continuously seeking the best version of my learning. It will impact my proposal since it should be the GLUE that holds everything else together. Having a Growth Mindset will forever be at the forefront of my learning, from these assignments and beyond.


Impact Innovation: Creating High-Impact Innovation. (2017, September 17). Zhermack.


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